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Magnificent Blooms -Medium Bouquet on Black - from Benartex
Windham - Secrets & Shadows All Over Floral in Pink
Magnificent Blooms -Nouveau Light Pink - from Benartex
Magnificent Blooms -Medium Bouquet Light - from Benartex
Windham - Secrets & Shadows all over Floral Paisley
Studio e - Hummingbird Heaven - Sky Blue Floral Dot - Elizabeth Isles
Studio e - Hummingbird Heaven - Navy Floral Dot - Elizabeth Isles
Studio e - Hummingbird Heaven - Fuchsia Flower Dot - Elizabeth Isles
Magnificent Blooms - Floral Panel on Black - from Benartex
Magnificent Blooms Bouquet -Sage green - from Benartex
Magnificent Bloom Bouquet - Black - from Benartex
Studio e Fabrics - Bee Sweet Water Color Roses and Bees