Braids on Parade - Far Flung Quilts
This 57" X 51" quilt is made with 2 1/2" strips and the Creative Grids Trapezoid Strip Ruler. Make it larger by adding more braids or longer braids.
FFQ018 BRAIDS ON PARADE, Carolyn Griffin, Far Flung Quilts
$5.OO SHIPPING $1.00 TO $50.00 --$7.50 SHIPPING $50.01 TO $99.99-- $10.00 SHIPPING $100.00 TO $199.99---FREE SHIPPING $200.00 PLUS
This 57" X 51" quilt is made with 2 1/2" strips and the Creative Grids Trapezoid Strip Ruler. Make it larger by adding more braids or longer braids.
FFQ018 BRAIDS ON PARADE, Carolyn Griffin, Far Flung Quilts